Someone up there must like me, because Diana came home from school the other day and told me that her play had been rescheduled. I scared her to death when I yelled "SHUT UP". Not the "be quiet" kind of shut up, the "Princess Diaries" kind of shut up. Or maybe I could have pushed her down and exclaimed an Elaine Benice "GET OUT". Either way it meant the same thing, I was now released from my motherly obligations. And hence I could go to Provo and attend Women's Conference. Woohoo!!!!
This is very unexpected and rather exciting. It would be little more exciting if I had not just spent 9 hours last Friday, driving to New Mexico and another 9 hours on Sunday driving back home. We went to a family baptism which was very fun, but still that is a lot of time in the car.
In any event I unpacked and repacked today. I have stocked the freezer with enough frozen food to feed an army, so hopefully no one will starve while I am gone.
I will not miss all the drama that seems to take place every morning in the process of waking, dressing, eating, and getting in the car to go to school.
It will not be my problem to figure out what people should eat. Glory be. Three whole days of being charge of only myself. How will I ever cope?
This will be my 6th Women's Conference and my fifth in a row. Doesn't it seem like just yesterday I was leaning over the railing to get my picture with sweet, cute Sister Beck? Good good times. I am a little disappointed that I don't have a bigger wish list for stalking this year. Hopefully I will get some good pictures that will be worth seeing next week.
Which reminds minds me, my memory card is full. Imagine the horror of having to choose between deleting treasured family pictures so I could get a shot of Dallin H. Oaks walking into the Marriot Center? Of course it wouldn't be that hard of a choice, but it would be better to download the pictures off the memory card instead of losing them forever.
Don't worry I will eat a brownie for all of you. You can thank me later.