Wednesday, July 1, 2009

I don't get that a lot.

Things seem to be going well here is Utah. Surprisingly it is quite different from Las Vegas. Shocking, I know. Inconceivable even. Hmmm. It is much cooler for one thing. People all kind of look the same, for another.

Diana was able to attend a fun volleyball camp for the past three days. Check this out, my brother is the head Athletic Trainer at UVU. And so this camp took place there. My sister in law called me up and asked me if Diana would like to attend. The details were that it would cost $5 and my brother would pick her up and bring her home. Yeah, I had to really think hard about that one. Talk about rhetorical questions.

She has had a fabulous time. And today she even won a volleyball at the closing ceremony. The only downside was that she needed to be ready to go out the door at 8:20 AM. Seeing as how we have slipped into sleeping in until 10 for the summer, well yes that part was a bit difficult. But there is no such thing as a free lunch, so the piper must be paid.

Another great thing about Utah is the ice cream cones at the grocery store. Last night Diana, my sister, and I went to get some ice cream, and oh yeah some groceries. My sister and Diana both got an ice cream cone. I didn't get one, because I wasn't that hungry and I didn't really want to spend the money.

As we wandered down to the produce section, Diana offered me a taste of her cone. I took her up on her offer and told her how yummy it was. She said "Aren't you glad you brought me?" I responded "Yes, I am glad I brought you." To which she quipped "Yea, I don't get that a lot."

It is a good thing I wasn't drinking anything. I would have spit it out while laughing out loud. Are you kidding me? Where does she get this stuff? Oh that girl cracks me up.


Kristina P. said...

Why don't I get ice cream cones at the store?!?!

Heidi said...

Okay, I have been gone from blogdania for a while but not that long! did you move?

Barbaloot said...

Did you go to the BYU Creamery? It's been ages since I've been there. Now I wanna go...

Is your daughter feeling okay?

Shauna said...

Come over to win free ice cream on my blog :) Hope you have a great 4th of July weekend! ♥ HUGS ♥

The Crash Test Dummy said...

AWESOME! LOVED THIS POST. Ice cream helps with the depression. ;)

So whenever we fly home the first thing we notice is that everyone looks alike. funny!

Nutty Hamster Chick said...

Kristina you need to go to Macy's.

Heidi, I am just on vacation for a long time here at my sisters.

Barbaloot- I need to go to the creamery. We plan a trip to BYU next week.

Crash- There really isn't much Ice Cream can not fix.

April said... cream does fix a lot! And the girl is FUNNY!!!

annie valentine said...

We go to Dick's here in Layton for FHE every week in the summer time.

Smart Helm said...

Wait a minute... My friend (well, actually my sister's friend but I claim most of her friends) Cathy is the girls basketball coach there at UVU! I'm Shore they know each other.

Wait.. have we had this conversation before?

Shelle-BlokThoughts said...

LOL... that IS funny. Now I'm hungry for an Ice Cream Cone...

Hey are you going to the lunch on Saturday? I'm going to be there!

Dennis and Diana said...

Macy's has everything. My retired father. Got a job at Macy's and would hand out tootsie pops to all the kids coming through his aisle. His line was always the largest. PS on the way home stop at the Beaver Creamery they have the best Icecream ever. and the squeeky cheese is good too.