I got there about Noon on Saturday, March 15th. My Mom and I went right to the Seattle temple to witness a sealing of someone in her ward. And the very special part was that my Dad was the sealer. That night, my Dad cooked a wonderful dinner of eggs with sausage, mushrooms, onions, and spinach. It was delicious.
I haven't been home for about a year and a half. My two week visit that was planned for July was canceled when Jared was in the hospital. My parents live in the same house we moved to when I was in fourth grade.
Some remodeling has been done, but the bare bones are the same. I wandered around and looked at pictures and remembered good times. It was also a very rare experience because I was alone. With seven brothers and sisters and 18 grandchildren, one on one time with my parents is not common. It was so good to have such great one on one time with both of them.
It came as quite a shock to wake up Sunday morning and see that it had snowed. I don't ever remember it snowing in March when I was a kid. Very strange. And cold.
And here is a shot of my airplane before I boarded it. Traveling by air is always so strange and surreal. I left Seattle where it was 55 and grey, and landed in Vegas where it was 85 and sunny.
And then less than 24 hours we loaded up the car and drove to Utah. But that will be a topic for another post.
What do you think? My boss told me it looked very classy.
I could have taken this opportune time to carefully go through everything in my old purse and purging the unnecessary junk. But that would have required energy on my part. Instead, I just held the old purse upside down and dumped everything into the new one. Much less effort.I do like the way the new purse looks, well new. It has added a spring to my step that I was doubtful about. It is requiring an adjustment period, which I am not a fan of. Why am I so resistant to change, I wonder? And it does have something of a black hole nature, that could prove challenging at times. But overall, I am happy with the choice. It is bigger and can thus hold more junk, which I am sure I will accumulate soon.
And just so my vacuum cleaner doesn't feel persecuted, here is a shot of my old and new purse getting acquainted. I still haven't had the heart to dispose of the old purse.
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