Saturday, January 3, 2009

No regret

Sorry that I have taken such a break from posting. It is true that I did become a postaholic. And then I just went cold turkey for a few days.

Today was my friend Ann's funeral. It was very beautiful. I am sure that she liked it. Her three son's and a grandson sang the most beautiful rendition of "I need thee every hour." It was amazing. There were so many of the most beautiful flowers. Her family had a wonderful display in tribute to her life.

There were many happy things to be learned from this funeral. One of the best things is that it was a funeral of no regrets. Her daughter in law gave the most beautiful eulogy and spoke of how in a way they were blessed by not knowing how sick she really was. They enjoyed this past year without knowing it would be their last together. They had 50 Sunday dinners at her house. They had all the holidays. Apparently one of her traditions was to deliver Valentine treats to their houses, the ding dong ditch way. How cute is that. Over all they did not need to say "I wish we had spent more time together" because they always did things as a family. I can't imagine a more wonderful thing to be said at a funeral.

And because of my followed prompting to visit her, I felt the same way. I cried tears for the family left behind that will miss her so dearly. But for me, I felt at peace knowing that I had managed to visit. I spoke with her son today, and he told me that the Friday night I visited was the first time in two weeks that they had left her alone. In some small way, it gave them comfort to know that she had a visitor because this son had called while I was there and the nurse told him about me. The Lord is amazing in the way he helps us help each other.

And so I was sad to say goodbye to a dear friend. And yet to borrow a line from Wicked - because I knew her, I have been changed for good. I know I will see her again. I love that friendships are another thing we take with us besides our knowledge. I wouldn't be surprised to find out that she was visiting with my grand parents, who must be terribly concerned about me.

Bottom line, we never know when our time on this earth will end.

Because of Ann, I will try to live my life so that some day I can have a funeral of no regrets.


Kristina P. said...

Pat, I am sorry for the loss of your friend. She and her family sound like an inspiration.

I'm sure your friendship meant a great deal to her.

April said...

I hope that my own little family will be like Ann's one day. A new beginning. Thanks for sharing such a tender moment out of your life with us. You are an inspiration to me! Thank you!

The Crash Test Dummy said...

That gave me chicken skin and then made me cry. I love that song from Wicked. You used it well. And I love that you followed your prompting. Regret is a terrible thing. I don't even remember that last time I saw my dad. That has been hard to carry around with me for the last 25 years.

Eliza said...

That was beautiful. You are such a wonderful and caring friend.

Kris said...

Your prompting and visit to Ann was just one more testimony to me of how much our Heavenly Father loves us. He shows us in so many ways, but mostly through others.