While I was there I noticed that all the tax forms were laid out for the taking. And take I did. I suppose it is the accountant in me that goes all giddy at the sight of tax forms.
As I was perusing the forms during my bedtime reading, I came across a useful tip that in my usual benevolence, I will pass on to all of you.
I am sure that this will come as devastating news to most of you, so brace yourself, but deductions for charitable contributions of certain taxidermy property after July 26, are limited.
See publication for form 8283 for further details. If your walls or front yard looks like this you may be in trouble.
So those of you with stuffed squirrels, skunks, gophers, rabbits, cats, dogs, gerbils, parakeets, snakes, frogs, deer, bison, cougars, giraffes, monkeys, pigs, turtles, or anything else for that matter, too bad you have held onto them too long. Had you donated them to the goodwill sooner you could have taken the full deduction. Now your deduction will be limited. Bummer, huh.
I know that many of you have a slue of stuffed pets, such as these. Having your deceased pet stuffed and mounted is a great way to help ease the pain for yourself and your kids. Who doesn't need a diorama of a squirrel paddling a canoe or two squirrels duking it out in the ring, sitting on their mantel?
I wonder if this guy will try to convince his wife that this should be the centerpiece in their living room?
And for your one stop shopping, check out this store, you can get a tattoo, whilst your beloved animal is getting stuffed.
I know that many of you have a slue of stuffed pets, such as these. Having your deceased pet stuffed and mounted is a great way to help ease the pain for yourself and your kids. Who doesn't need a diorama of a squirrel paddling a canoe or two squirrels duking it out in the ring, sitting on their mantel?
I wonder if this guy will try to convince his wife that this should be the centerpiece in their living room?
And for your one stop shopping, check out this store, you can get a tattoo, whilst your beloved animal is getting stuffed.
Please accept my condolences on the tax deduction loss. Dang IRS sucking the fun out of life. I hate it when that happens.
So weird! And we owe the government this year. Boo.
Man, I totally left a comment on that last post yesterday and it didn't show up! I'm mad cuz I told u how much I like yellow. sigh.
As for the dead animals.... I donated all mine years ago. Phew!
Ha haha hahahahahahahah Oh, you kill me. I needed this laugh today.
LOVED this TAX TIP! Mahalo!
Melanie, I am glad you like yellow. Did you know it is Pres. Monson's favorite color also? You are in good company.
And I hate it when that happens, about the comment thing. Sorry.
Melanie, I am glad you like yellow. Did you know it is Pres. Monson's favorite color also? You are in good company.
And I hate it when that happens, about the comment thing. Sorry.
RATS!!!! I'm always a day late and a deduction short! Now where was that tattoo place again?
Oh dear, I found some road kill in our yard last week. I was so tempted to get it stuffed. Guess not! Where's the fun in life anymore?
Thanks for the laughs!! It is crazy to me to even think that someone would want to do that.
Just leave my sales tax deduction alone, or I will have to see if that taxadermy place will stuff congressmen!!!
Wow, nothing like a little light reading. I hope the excitement didn't keep you up all night.
Hey! How did that picture of my boxing munks get on your blog?! I donated them months ago (phew!) but how odd that they ended up here . . .
REALLY!? So sad for all the hunters
hahahaha! You seriously peruse the tax papers? I'm totally impressed and so glad that I am your friend...because in my group of friends I was always missing the accountant...and now you fill that space! :)
But it is true...the IRS sucks the life out of fun...I knew I should have donated my stuffed poodle earlier! loL!
Seriously so funny though! I wonder how many people actually go and get there tatoo done there?
I spend hours and hours looking at different forms on the internet, and then it always comes out the same. I guess I like to do math for nothing.
If your house looks like that, I'm pretty sure you're not paying any taxes, pardner.
Maybe the animals already paid their dues for you though.
I spend hours and hours looking at different forms on the internet, and then it always comes out the same. I guess I like to do math for nothing.
If your house looks like that, I'm pretty sure you're not paying any taxes, pardner.
Maybe the animals already paid their dues for you though.
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