Tuesday, October 16, 2007

The Pink Panther Returns

I can't really remember which Pink Panther movie has a guy in a gorilla suit driving all over town, but here is Trent's reenactment of that part of the movie. And here is a picture of his cute car. He probably wouldn't appreciate me describing it that way, but I think it is cute. Trent has wanted a gorilla suit for several years, but they have always been too expensive for my budget. I found this one at Target for not too much. How sad, it will be the last costume I ever buy for him. I imagine he will get lots of use out of it and not just at Halloween. He told me he wants to go to the grocery store wearing the costume and buy some bananas. What a crazy kid!


Jennifer said...

That is awesome. I think you will need to elaborate on "he will get lots of uses out of it". You will have to keep us posted on what kind of crazy stuff he finds to do.

peacekeeper said...

i think that he is being very inventive just warn him about getting in trouble with the local authorities. and definitely keep us all posted ;)

Nutty Hamster Chick said...

For one thing, he wants to perform with his band. Wouldn't that be hilarious to have a gorilla playing the guitar? He thinks if he practices, he will be able to do it without the gloves.

Funny Farmer said...

Please tell me that he doesn't drive with the gorilla head on. The lack of peripheral vision sounds like a car accident waiting to happen! eek!

Otherwise, he looks aweseome!