Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Paul Bunyan's got nothin on me!

So my front yard has been running amuck for a long time now. I have two rosemary bushes that are trying to take over my entire yard. If not impeded, I imagine some day they would have completely barricaded me into my house. This is a job that has needed doing and yet has not made it to the top of the to do list. Instead it has been easier to just drive into my garage and pretend not to notice the extreme overgrowth. So today I finally managed to get motivated to reclaim the sidewalk, if not for my benefit, for others who occasionally do still visit my house. I'm not sure
if the pictures can fully show how much I trimmed away. It filled a garbage can and four black bags. Just so you know I am dangerous with my tree trimmer, and am glad/pleasantly surprised that no blood was spilt in today's yard work. At one time the button stuck on the trimmer and I had to just do the best I could with it until I finally got it unstuck. At this time the thought of losing a toe did cross my mind. But all is well that ends well. Perhaps it is not a great idea to prune bushes wearing shorts and sandals. Also pictured here is the lovely rock mentioned in an earlier post. This is the infamous rock that was painted. It is actually quite cute in that Diana did it all by herself. Also pictured is a dead, decaying bird that is attached to a branch that I cut off a bush. I thought it was an uncommon occurrence to have a dead bird fall at my feet and so I documented it for all of you. You can thank me later for sharing. Now we can all walk on my side walk to my front door without a close encounter of the green kind.


Emily said...

The only bad part about home ownership is the big yard tasks. I can manage the little things, but the big things are what get me.
I am very jealous of your WARM looking home. It is fall here, and COLD! Las Vegas is a great place to be come winter...

Jennifer said...

Way to go, it looks great. I have to admit, I could have done without the bird picture, GROSS!!:)

peacekeeper said...

maybe agree with jennifer on the bird thing but i can understand the urge to blog it all. good job on the yard work. looks great.