Ok, here is what I wore to church yesterday. Yes, I am wearing all black because I am in mourning for my team. However, I am wearing a necklace made of what I think are kuiki nuts painted white and blue. Some kids were selling them for a fund raiser and the kind person I went with bought this necklace and gave it to me because I am such a crazy fan.

How funny is this. The family I went with are big fans. My friend Elizabeth knows them and she told them about me wanting to go. They said I could only go if I would sing the fight song and was a fan of BYU. Elizabeth reassured her that no worries "My friend Pat, would fall under the category of a BYU fan". I am pretty sure that I scared this family with my over the edge fanaticism.

Here I am all bundled up for the cold and very excited to be at the game. The temperature for most of the game was 40 degrees. I had my thermals, several layers, hand warmers, and my down coat. Surprisingly, I did not freeze to death. In fact I was OK until about the third quarter. But it was never unbearable and there was enough jumping up and down to help keep the blood circulating.

Here is a great shot of the team doing the haka right before the game starts. My good friend Fui is right there in the middle of the picture. My seat was on row 5 and I was able to see all the action. We were behind the team.

Also we got to see the band play. I know my niece who plays in a band would have enjoyed that part. Also there were fireworks and two jet planes flew over head while David Hasselhoff sang the National Anthem and a huge flag was unfurled over the field. Yea that made it all worth it to hear the Hass sing, huh? What I want to know is why they couldn't get Donny Osmond. That would have been great.

Here is a shot of Lavell Edwards watching the game. He was sitting just a few rows behind us. When we first got there they guy I went with said "Hey there is Lavell Edwards, why don't you go up there and I will take your picture with him." I whipped out my scrap book and said "Been there, done that." He laughed out loud at that.
Here is a nice closeup shot of a huddle. We were right on the 20 yard line in row 5. I think that may have been better even than the 50 yard line because you get to see touchdowns happen right in front of you.
Here is a close up of Austin Collie before the play started.
Even though they lost the game, I got to see the first time Bronco called an on side kick. That was something. And I think that the excitement of being at the game in person, softens the blow of the loss a little bit. And honestly sometimes you miss some of the game when it happens at the other end of the field. I may still watch my taped copy just to see what I missed. On the other hand it might be just as well to leave it alone.
So here's hoping next year will be better. I am still a fan, win or lose.
I am sorry for your loss. I hope you are able to move on and have a joyous Christmas.
Glad to hear that being there in person is helping you cope. Pray harder next year.
Bummer they lost. John and the boys were there too. Did Elizabeth get tickets from Dix?
Oh you funny funny funny nutty hamster chick!
Kristina, thanks for your words of comfort.
Jen you are right, I will need to pray harder.
Allison, yes Elizabeth did get them from Dix, in fact they let me ride with them.
Crash, hope it made you smile.
Sorry your team lost, but happy to see you having so much fun like a bundled up little tick! :)
The grieving has finally ended at our home. I hope it will end soon at your home. (sniff....sniff...)
Oh, I loved this post, even if they didn't win. I think this year they learned a little Humility. You know the Lord says that he will have a humble football team ...
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