Friday, February 29, 2008
It's raining frogs.

Leaping Lizards!
Thursday, February 28, 2008
What's your color?

More fun at school.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Howdy, Pardner!

Monday, February 25, 2008
Tagged, again!
1. What were you doing 10 years ago? Boy, it is hard to even remember yesterday, let alone ten years ago. Let's see Jared was almost 4 and Trent would have been almost 7. That would mean that Trent was in first grade and had to be at school at 7:50 in the morning. Yikes, for a kid who is not a morning person, this was a monumental task every day. Sometimes I would have to carry him to the car kicking and screaming. Jared and I were attending a mommy and me preschool. We went to this from 9 - 12 on Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays. This was one of the best things I have ever been too. They had really fun field trips and Jared got to fulfill his dream of riding on a school bus for the first time. I loved going as well because I made some really great friends. When you spend 9 hours a week with people, you bond together. I was very sad that I never found the same kind of thing anywhere is Las Vegas.
2. 5 things on my to-do list today?- Get all three of my kids to go to school, something I did not manage to do last week, dishes and clean bathroom, host playgroup in my backyard for ladies in my ward hence the need to clean the bathroom, go to lunch with RS Ladies who Lunch, pick Jared up from school and take him to visit his orchestra teacher at his old school, try to get Trent's car to the mechanic so we could be back to a 3 car family instead of 2.
3. 5 snacks that I enjoy:- bagels with strawberry cream cheese, home style pop secret popcorn, chocolate chip mint ice cream in a waffle cone, Peanut M&Ms, and Swedish fish.
4. 3 bad habits:- Not saying no to people (including my kids) when I really should, due to lack of time and resources on my part, Spending time on things I want to do instead of the things that need to be done, like housework. Not being able to pass up a good deal, even if I can't afford to save the money.
5. What would you do if you were instantly a billionaire?-Pay off our Mortgage, Pay off other debts like new car payment since accident, Set aside money for my kids to go to college -Spend a time in New York attending as many musicals as I wanted --Redo my pool, and continue inviting family, neighbors and friends there often throughout the summer-Travel to Europe, England, and Australia. Get new furniture for my house since pretty much everything I have has been given to me.
6. Places I’ve lived: Philadelphia PN, Provo UT, North Hollywood CA, Tacoma WA, Kent WA,Provo UT, Riverside CA, Upland CA, Las Vegas NV.
7. Jobs I’ve had:Baby Sitter, Statistician at track meets, office help during summers at Britanica, internship at accounting firm, Telemarketer at Future Lines shoe company, Wife, Custodian at BYU at 4:00 am in the morning, Staff Accountant in Salt Lake, Controller at Excelsior Hotel, Accountant at SMA machines, Mom with the innumerable number of jobs required, Las Vegas showroom manager for Global Views, Administrative assistant for Janice Cambell.
8. 5 things people don’t know about me:-This is hard because I am pretty much an open book and there is not a lot people don't know about me, especially those who read this blog. When I was twelve I sat on the top of the fountain at Seattle Center as part of a bet. I never had stitches until I was 30 when I tripped on a speed bump in a parking lot while walking. I have never broken a bone. (Knock on wood so that I don't fall down my stairs today and break my leg) I wish I could sing well enough to sing in a Broadway musical. One of my unfulfilled dreams was to be on the Young Ambassadors from BYU.
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Another Joke
I haven't been grumpy, nasty or selfish, and I'm really glad of that!
But in a few minutes, God, I'm going to get out of bed, and from then on, I'm probably going to need a lot of help.
Thank you! Amen.
Friday, February 22, 2008
This is what the person writing the newletter had to say:
"I was sitting in a training session for the new FamilySearch website at the Utah South Area Family History Training Center when we learned that President Hinckley had passed away. At first, there was great sadness for the loss of this great Prophet but as they continued to teach us about the new FamilySearch website, I had a very warm comforting feeling that he had taken very good care of us.
"One of the most troublesome aspects of our temple activity is that as we get more and more temples scattered across the earth, there is duplication of effort in proxy work. People in various nations simultaneously work on the same family lines and come up with the same names. They do not know that those in other areas are doing the same thing. To avoid such duplication, the solution lies in complex computer technology." President Gordon B. Hinckley, Conference Report, October 2005
I thought about what we were being taught...
We need to change our way of thinking
*From: ME centered to WE centered
*From: MY ancestors to OUR ancestors
*From: There is one right set of data to There are multiple opinions, many of which may be right.
* From: More than one opinion is bad To: More than one opinion creates a dialog and makes the record more findable
* Working together WE can make OUR family history as accurate as possible.Remember this is not MY database, but the Lord's database.
(Taken from a class taught at the Utah South Area Family History Training Center in Provo, Utah)
So, as a tribute to this great Prophet's legacy, we should make sure we carry on his great work. Make sure our databases are cleaned up, documented and ready to do our part to make sure this new website is accurate and complete. Let's not leave even one ancestor behind.
~ Diana Olsen ~
The only thing I can add to Diana's thoughts came from John Vilburn after he read her tribute. "Ohana means family. And family means nobody gets left behind ... or forgotten." (A quote from "Lilo and Stitch")
Cina Johnson
It was announced last Sunday, that this Saturday, our temple district will be able to go online to the new Family Search system that the church has been working on. I am excited to get up to speed on this new system. The spirit of Elijah seems to be working on me lately and so I think I will try to spend more time in the family history area of my life.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Joke for the Day
With labored breath, he leaned against the door-frame, gazing into the kitchen. Were it not for death's agony, he would have thought himself already in heaven: there, spread out upon waxed paper on the kitchen table were literally hundreds of his favorite chocolate chip cookies. Was it heaven? Or was it one final act of heroic love from his devoted wife, seeing to it that he left this world a happy man?
Mustering one great final effort, he threw himself toward the table, landing on his knees in a rumpled posture. His parched lips parted: the wondrous taste of the cookie was already in his mouth, seemingly bringing him back to life.
The aged and withered hand trembled on its way to a cookie at the edge of the table, when it was suddenly smacked with aspatula by his wife.
"Stay out of those," she said, "they're for the funeral."
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
A Special Anniversary
Eight years ago today, we were able to take Diana to the temple to have her sealed to us. It was one of the best days of my life. I have prepared a short movie in memory of that great day. It is so fun to remember such special days. I loved the way Diana's dress turned out, especially the bow in the back. I just added that because it wasn't part of the pattern. As someone in my old ward used to say, I needed to go to bow therapy at that time of my life. It is kind of hard to believe that eight years ago, I actually used my sewing machine for more that holding clothes. We were so lucky to have so much family and friends share that day with us. Here's to the memories.
Monday, February 18, 2008
I've been tagged
How long have you been together?24 years, 23 1/2 years married
How old is he? what does that have to do with anything?
How old are you?none of your business
Who eats more? this is awfully personal
Who said "I love you" first? me
Who is taller? Marion, how else could he be tall, dark, an handsome
Who asked who out first? This is a long and complicated story, the reader's digest version is that Marion's brother, John called me up, and asked me out pretending to be Marion. Marion came on the date with me. We went to see "The Man from Snowy River" at the Wilkenson center. Ahh what a great movie.
Who sings better? if desire and enthusiasm counts, then me
Who is smarter? definitely Marion, but then I was smart enough to marry someone so smart, so what does that make me?
Who had more speeding tickets? Definitely me, although before a year ago I could say neither of us. I got my first speeding ticket driving home from Utah on a Sunday when I was trying to make it home in time for church. Do you think that is a good excuse?
Who does the laundry? me, I actually get a strange sense of satisfaction when everything is clean and put away every Saturday and like some of my friends, I am a control freak and don't want to share this job with anyone.
Who does the dishes? usually it is me, sometimes it is nobody and that nobody person doesn't do a very good job
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? me
Who pays the bills? We trade off between who is home the most and has the most time, right now it is me
Who mows the lawn? usually it is Jared, what else are kids good for
Who cooks dinner? well this rotates between me, some fast food restaurant, or FFY- fend for yourself, Marion is great at just finding something to eat.
Who is more stubborn? I am never stubborn as long as I get my own way
Who is more sensitive? gee you want me to cook dinner and be sensitive
Who has more friends? That would me, being the social butterfly that I am, but Diana is giving me a run for my money
Who has more siblings? We both have 7 siblings, I have 3 sisters and 4 brothers, while Marion has 6 brothers and 1 sister, also interestingly enough we are both the oldest children in our family.
Who wears the pants in the relationship? I'll answer with aquote "A compromise between a husband and wife is an arrangement whereby they agree to let her have her way."
Who are you tagging? Anyone with the inclination and time. Many of my friends have already done this and so I am late entering this tagging game.
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Snake Escape

Shopping at Sam's Club

Right when we got there, Diana asked if she could get a churro. This for her has been a quest for past few months. It has been her own personal version of the search for the Holy Grail, because we have been there so many times when Sam's was out of churros. This has been a source of great disappointment on her part. Ah, the trials of eight year old life. So you can imagine Diana's excitement when there actaully were 4 churros left. It was so cute because she had her purse and paid with her own money. She was thrilled with this because I never want to waste money on a drink, but she was willing to waste hers and so I let her. Here is a very cute picture of her with her purse, churro, and very large drink. This was actually great because she was occupied with her purchases and did not ask for too many extra things while we were shopping. Well , except the cotton candy and muffins. Because chances are if you take a kid to Sam's Club, she is going to ask for a muffin.
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Better Late Than Never
I had hoped to get this posted on Valentines Day, but it didn't happen. I'm not sure why. I did get lucky and only had to make copies at the school for an hour and a half instead of three hours. Then I went and got a hair cut. On my way home I was driving by Marie Calendars and guess what? It is pie sale month again. Who knew? Not me. Well what says "Happy Valenties Day" better than some pie, so I stopped and stocked up on that scruptious treat. Woohoo! Then Diana had to go to choir and so we did that. All in all it was a pretty low key day, but that is nice. Hope all of you had a nice celebration as well.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Othodontist Blues
Diana also had an appointment yesterday. Happily the doctor said that she doesn't need hers for at least a year. At least there was some good news. I was talking with the doctor and asking if he thought that Jared had gotton his braces on too soon and that was why it was taking so long. He looked at his chart and replied that he didn't think it was too soon and that on average people take three years. He said that they hate to have people on the 5 year plan. He also told me that when I talk with others, I should not mention his name when telling people how long Jared's braces were taking. I though that was pretty funny. It was obvious that he feels pretty bad that it is taking so long. In the good news department, we were charged a flat fee at that beginning and so we have not had to make a payment for the past 3 years. The deal was that no matter how long it took, we would not have to pay any additional fees. Maybe the doctor feels bad about that also, that he is not making an new revenue off of us. Also having kids so far apart in age is kind of sad because Diana will probably get hers right after Jared gets his off. That was poor planning on my part. My brother's 3 kids are all having them at the same time. While this is outrageously expensive, at least it is time efficient to take them to appointments at the same time. I will have to plan better next time.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Vote Now
A Day of Miracles

Friday, February 8, 2008
Something to Anticipate
Puzzle Mania

Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Strange Sighting
Humorous Misunderstanding
Dear Madam,
I apologize for the delay in answering your letter, but I have the pleasure of informing you that the BC is located nine miles north of the campground and is capable of seating 250 people at one time. I admit it is quite a distance away if you are in the habit of going regularly, but no doubt you will be pleased to know that a great number of people take their lunches along and make a day of it. They usually arrive early and stay late.
The last time my wife and I went was six years ago, and it was so crowded we had to stand up the whole time we were there. It may interest you to know that right now there is a fundraiser planned to buy more seats for the basement of the BC.
I would like to say that it pains me very much not to be able to go more regularly, but it is surely no lack of desire on my part. As we grow older, it seems to be more of an effort, particularly in cold weather.
If you decide to come down to our campground, perhaps I could go with you the first time, sit with you, and introduce you to all the folks. Remember, this is a friendly community."
Best wishes,
Ethan Smith
Campground Manager
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Five Minute Hero

Parenting in the 21st Century
6:17 Me to Jared: wake up
6:19 Jared: I am not going
6:21 Me to Trent : wake up
6:27 Me to Trent: please wake up
6:28 Trent: Hold on
6:29 Jared: My stomach hurts bad
6:29 Me to Jared: Are you going to throw up
6:30 Jared: I dont know
6:30 Jared: My throat and my stomach hurts bad
6:32 Jared: What can i eat
6:33 Me to Jared: cereal bagel oatmeal
6:38 Me to Trent: how about now
6:39 Trent: I'll get up soon
The good news is that all of this took place from the warm confines of my bed. It was not effective in getting them to school, though. Trent has got a really bad headache. I think maybe he has that sinus pressure part of this bad flu bug going around. At least today is the day he has two orchestra classes, so he won't miss that much school. So once again I get to have kids home all day. At least Diana went today, that is good. One out of three is not so bad right?
White Hankie for the Prophet
Pat's Ponderings
Monday, February 4, 2008
The View from the back

New Haircut

Lawrence Lacrosse Lions


Yay, I'm back to only one job!
Some of the time at work it would be slow with no customers. The other employees would ask me what I did when I was not working there. I would reply that I am a MOM when I am not working for Global Views. This would bring some interesting reactions and I could tell that not everyone values this profession as much as the Lord and his prophets do. I have spent some time pondering this.
Yesterday I gave a lesson to the laurels about preparing for marriage. It worries me that so much of what they have learned about being a wife and mother does not make it seem glamerous enough to be at the top of their list of things to be when they grow up. And I wondered about my own attitude. Will my own children learn by watching me, what an important job this is? Or will my often frustrations be all that they remember? Something to work on, I suppose. And so I came away from this job with a renewed dedication to my chosen profession of mother and wife.