Monday, February 4, 2008

The View from the back

In answer to request to see the back of my hair cut, here it is. I did indeed have Diana assist me in this endevor to see what the back of my hair looks like. Actually I gave it a shot by myself, but failed miserably as my arm strength is something akin to a wet noodle and by trying to hold the camera over my head I kept accidentally pushing buttons that were changing the settings. So taking pictures of the back of your hair definitely goes on the list of things not to do alone. In fact I have two options with this new hair doo. It can be flipped under or up. When I first style it, I try to make it flip up, but having a mind of its own, the next day it decides to flip under. Either way I suppose it is better than being bald, so I will take it.


Marjorie said...

Even cuter when we can see the back!

Emily said...

Love the Hair cut, nothing better than a new look!!