Monday, February 4, 2008

Yay, I'm back to only one job!

Yes, I am very happy to report that after 3 weeks of working way to many hours, I am back to being "JUST" a mom. Last week I worked 55 hours and in the two weeks before that I worked 74. And believe me, my house shows my lack of attention. It was an interesting experience and over all I did survive better than I thought I would, thanks to the help of my dear husband. Now if I can just catch up. I feel like the month of January just disappered due to the fact that I was sick for the first week and working for the last 3.
Some of the time at work it would be slow with no customers. The other employees would ask me what I did when I was not working there. I would reply that I am a MOM when I am not working for Global Views. This would bring some interesting reactions and I could tell that not everyone values this profession as much as the Lord and his prophets do. I have spent some time pondering this.
Yesterday I gave a lesson to the laurels about preparing for marriage. It worries me that so much of what they have learned about being a wife and mother does not make it seem glamerous enough to be at the top of their list of things to be when they grow up. And I wondered about my own attitude. Will my own children learn by watching me, what an important job this is? Or will my often frustrations be all that they remember? Something to work on, I suppose. And so I came away from this job with a renewed dedication to my chosen profession of mother and wife.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

I don't know if my opinion counts, but I think you are an amazing mom!!! Welcome back!!